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baal Krishna
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Krishna’s Birth Celebrating the Divine Arrival of Lord Krishna

Story of the birth of The Krishna

In the month of Bhadon, Vasudev’s wife Devaki gave birth to Shri Krishna in Mathura’s Kargar on the dark night of Ashtami Tithi.

During the time of Dwapar Yuga, Bhojwanshi ruled Mathura, a king named Ugrasen Salt. His evil son Kansh removed him from the Raj throne and sat down as the king of Mathura himself.

Kansh also had a sister named Devaki, who was married to Yaduvanshi Sardar named Vasudev.

Once upon a time Kansh was going to leave his sister Devaki in his in -laws’ house.

In the meantime, there was an AIR on the way- that the kansh, the god you are taking with so much love, in that your Kaal is a bag, its eighth child will kill you. Hearing this, Kansh was determined to kill his sister Devaki’s husband Vasudev.

Then Devaki pleaded with him and said – ‘Whatever child I have, I will bring him in front of you’ What will be the benefit of you by dying my husband?

Kansh agreed to Devaki but imprisoned Devaki and Vasudev in jail. And one by one of Devaki, one by one, seven children were finished and when Aanthwa was going to happen,

at the same time Nand’s wife Yashodha was also going to have children. He took a way to protect his eighth child in this time of Vasudev-Devaki’s grief.

At the time when Vasudev -Devaki was born a son, Devaki and Vasudev were imprisoned in jail, when there was a sudden light inside that dungeon and a conch, chakra, mace, wings appeared in front of them, both of them appeared. Fall to the feet.

Then God said to him -‘Now I take the form of a newborn baby, you should send me to Vrindavan at the house of your friend Nand. And take the girl who is born here and give it to Kansh.


After some time, all the watch will be asleep, all the gates will open on their own and the flowing Yamuna will give you way, at the same time Vasudev went out with the newborn Sisu Shri Krishna.

After the house was put to sleep near the house and came to Mathura with the girl.

After that Kansh gets information that Devaki’s child has taken birth, then Kansh quickly goes to the dungeon and as soon as the girl wanted to get rid of Devaki’s hands and bang on the ground,

the girl flew into the sky and said – foolish – foolish Your death has reached Vrindavan and soon you will get punishment for your sins.

So this was the story of the birth of Shree Krishna. 

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